How Pick-to-Shipper Improves Total Cost of Ownership

The benefits of automation include reducing unnecessary manual steps in the flow of goods through the warehouse, from picking to packing, palletizing, and shipping. Each automated process has the potential to create cascading productivity benefits that impact other areas of the warehouse. The concept of intralogistics covers how these processes all impact each other. While the relationships between different parts of an intralogistics flow can be complex, streamlining the picking and packing process in the warehouse is a simple example of how automation opens up a path for improved total cost of ownership (TCO).

Automation allows products to be picked into the boxes they will be shipped in.

Picking goods into totes before they are transported to a packing area is a common technique across many warehouses. Thanks to automation, including height reduction solutions such as Ranpak’s Cut’it!™ EVO, it’s possible to eliminate this intermediate step and pick goods directly into the containers that they will be shipped in using a pick-to-shipper process. Read on to learn the benefits of pick-to-shipper and how they can improve total cost of ownership.

pick-to-shipper automation infographic

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