Removing 27 Million Pounds of Plastic Pollution? That’s A Lot of Elephants

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Since 1972, Ranpak has developed packaging made from paper, a renewable and biodegradable resource that is also highly recyclable. We believe that by replacing single-use plastic in the supply chain with more environmentally sustainable materials, we can help to solve the plastic pollution crisis and Deliver a Better World®.

Why is replacing single-use plastic packaging important?

Because plastic used to package a product for a few days can take hundreds of years to break down. When it does, it becomes microplastic, tiny particles that have been found to contaminate the environment from the deep oceans to the polar ice caps.

In 2021, Ranpak’s void fill products replaced the equivalent of roughly 10 billion plastic air pillows, or about 27 million pounds (12247 metric tonnes) of plastic. We’re proud that our paper products are making a tangible difference and providing consumers with sustainable alternatives for their e-commerce packaging. Read on to discover just how large 27 million pounds is, illustrated by one of our favorite animals.

Reducing plastic pollution infographic

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