Ranpak and the “Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge”
Blog Post
November 11, 2021
Blog Post
November 11, 2021
Out of 300 entries from 13 countries, Ranpak’s WrapPak® Protector was selected as a finalist. More than 9 million tons of plastic waste end up in our oceans each year, a number that’s expected to almost double to 17 million tons by 2025 unless something is done. The Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge was launched to help reduce those startling numbers.
Ranpak’s innovation team responded to the challenge by submitting our WrapPak® Protector – a converter that uses multilayered paper to provide thermal insulation during shipping for cold-chain products, such as groceries, meat, meals and other food ingredients. Like all of Ranpak’s protective packaging solutions it is entirely paper-based and 100% curbside recyclable. The innovation offers a highly efficient replacement for traditional plastic insulation products in cold-chain packaging and shipping. Ranpak was founded to innovate and to address end users’ packaging challenges with practical and sustainable solutions, and WrapPak® Protector is just one example. We’re very proud to have been selected as a finalist in this prestigious challenge – and to be part of the solution to the global plastic pollution problem.
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